May, Harold P.H
Harold Philip Henry May
Son of Philip Henry Griffin and Elizabeth Maud Goodwin of Sunnyside, Teddington
Born 8th September 1895 at Dulwich as Harold Philip Henry Griffin
Changed surname to May after his mother's remarriage to Thomas Robert May
Married Marie Louise Isenmann at Fulham in 1915
Private (511675) with the London Regiment (London Scottish), 2nd/14th Battn.
Died at Alexandria on 8th February 1918 of wounds received during the battle for Jerusalem in December 1917, aged 22 years
Buried at Alexandria War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt (Grave/Memorial F.48)
(See: Find A Grave Memorial# 56151147)
Remembered on family grave in Teddington Cemetery (Plot: Ec Grave B.72-73)
(See: Find A Grave Memorial# 70027797)
Teddington Cemetery Graves and Memorials
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